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Personal Makeup Class (2-4 people)

4 hr
2,080 Hong Kong dollars
Yiu Wa Street

Service Description

4 hours class Day 1: 2.5 hours detailed personal makeup tutorial from base makeup to eye brow makeup; from eye makeup to detailed contouring technique. Day 2: 1.5 hours full makeup done by student and teacher will comment step by step 個人化妝班 (2至4人) 2 classes Total 4 hours / 每位$1,980 地點: 銅鑼灣 *二人可包堂 *提供課堂化妝品 *創辦人Sara Wong 親自教授 ​ -化妝用具介紹, 完美透亮底妝方法 -正確選擇粉底顏色及塗抹方法 - 面型分析 -遮瑕的應用(包括獨家-遮黑眼圈,暗瘡印秘訣) -完美畫眉及修眉 -雙眼皮膠紙的應用 (if necessary ) -面型修飾及立體輪廓技巧 -不同眼型的畫法及睫毛液技巧 -唇部修飾及立體技巧 -佩帶及選擇假眼睫毛技巧 (if necessary)

Cancellation Policy

all bookings to be confirmed by Whatspp within 3 working days.

Contact Details

  • Workingview Commercial Building, Yiu Wa Street, Bowrington, Hong Kong

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